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Deaconess Ministry

The Deaconess Ministry consist of spiritual leaders called to serve the Body of Christ by assisting the pastor and deacons during baptismal, communion, and worship services. Deaconess are instrumental in developing strategies that encourages and engages mass participation for all ministries to evangelize the church and community.


Our mission is to be devoted co-laborers with God ministering to the emotional, social, and spiritual need for women in our congregation and community. Deaconess are called to support, visit the sick, those incarcerated, and serve the homeless.


Our desire is to fulfill the mandate found in God’s Word, whereby Deaconess are instructed to educate the women in the church and community; especially to younger women. Teaching them how to be wives to their husband, a mother to their children, and a positive role model to all women (Titus 2:3-5).

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